Foto tirada por Francisco Monteiro |
foto tirada por Francisco Monteiro da linda bandeira de Pernambuco |
Que foi oficialmente adotada nas festividades do seu centenário.
A cor azul do retângulo superior simboliza a grandeza do céu pernambucano; a cor branca representa a paz; o arco iris em três cores (verde, amarelo;vermelho) representa a união de todos os pernambucanos; A estrela caracteriza o nosso estado no conjunto da federação; o sol é a força e a energia de Pernambuco; finalmente, a cruz representa a fé na justiça e no entendimento.
Siebert,Célia;História de Pernambuco;Ilustrações Rodval Matias I - São Paulo:FTD, 1998.
Pernambuco- História(Ensino fundamental)I.Matias,Rodval.II. Titulo.
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The flag was designed by the revolutionaries of 1817 and completed years later by the government Manuel Antonio Pereira Borba.
Which was officially adopted in its centenary festivities.
The blue color of the top rectangle symbolizes the grandeur of heaven Pernambuco, the color white represents peace, the rainbow in three colors (green, yellow, red) represents the union of all the people of Pernambuco; Star characterizes our state throughout the federation, the sun is the strength and energy of Pernambuco and finally, the cross represents faith in justice and understanding.
Siebert, Celia; History of Pernambuco; Illustrations Rodval Matias I - Sao Paulo: FTD, 1998.
Pernambuco-History (Elementary) I.Matias, Rodval.II. Title.
foto tirada por Francisco Monteiro da linda bandeira de Pernambuco |
Siebert,Célia;História de Pernambuco;Ilustrações Rodval Matias I - São Paulo:FTD, 1998.
Pernambuco- História(Ensino fundamental)I.Matias,Rodval.II. Titulo.
fan page:
The flag was designed by the revolutionaries of 1817 and completed years later by the government Manuel Antonio Pereira Borba.
Which was officially adopted in its centenary festivities.
The blue color of the top rectangle symbolizes the grandeur of heaven Pernambuco, the color white represents peace, the rainbow in three colors (green, yellow, red) represents the union of all the people of Pernambuco; Star characterizes our state throughout the federation, the sun is the strength and energy of Pernambuco and finally, the cross represents faith in justice and understanding.
Siebert, Celia; History of Pernambuco; Illustrations Rodval Matias I - Sao Paulo: FTD, 1998.
Pernambuco-History (Elementary) I.Matias, Rodval.II. Title.
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